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Kenya Wildlife National Park Rules


Kenya Wildlife National Parks Rules
Below are some of the Check out Kenya Wildlife National Park Rules that need to be followed
Wildlife Code
• Respect the privacy of the wildlife, this is their habitat.
• Beware of the animals, they are wild and can be unpredictable.
• Don’t crowd the animals or make sudden noises or movements.
• Don’t feed the animals, it upsets their diet and leads to human dependence.
• Keep quiet, noise disturbs the wildlife and may antagonize your fellow visitors.
• Stay in your vehicle at all times, except at designated picnic or walking areas.
• Keep below the maximum speed limit (40 kph/25 mph).
• Never drive off-road, this severely damages the habitat.
• When viewing wildlife keep to a minimum distance of 20 meters and pull to the side of the road so as to allow others to pass.
• Leave no litter and never leave fires unattended or discard burning objects.
• Respect the cultural heritage of Kenya, never take pictures of the local people or their habitat without asking their permission, respect the cultural traditions of Kenya and always dress with decorum.
• Stay over or leave before dusk, visitors must vacate the Park between 6.00 p.m. – 6.00a.m. unless they are camping overnight. Night game driving is not allowed.
Marine Wildlife Code
• Check local weather and sea conditions before entering the marine park.
•Some marine life is dangerous; do not touch anything under water.
• Do not damage or remove corals. It is a living organism which takes many years to form and is host to many rare and endangered species.
•Do not remove shells, starfish or any other sea – flora or fauna. Removal is illegal, seriously disrupts the eco system and some marine life is dangerous. The areas outside the parks and reserves is threatened by excessive shell collection. Empty shells provide homes for hermit crabs and some fish.
•Do not buy shells and other marine animal products as souvenirs as this encourages further plundering of the reefs and beaches.
• Never dispose of litter on the beach or in the sea. It is illegal and environmentally unfriendly. Marine turtles can confuse clear plastic waste with jelly fish and will die if they eat it.
• Hand – feeding of fish is discouraged. It disrupts normal feeding patterns.
• Hook and line fishing is allowed in the Marine Reserves but prohibited in Marine Parks. Spear guns are not permitted for use in either.
• Environmentally friendly activities such as snorkelling and diving are encouraged, under the supervision of the Kenya Wildlife Service wardens, who work closely with tour operators and hoteliers to ensure strict adherence to this code of practice.
• Avoid restaurants that serve undersized crabs and lobsters as this contributes to their rapid demise.
•Support traditional coastal livelihoods and do not give money to children on the beach, as this can encourage them to stay away from school.

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