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Kenya is one of the top destinations in Africa.A Kenya safari has long been one of the most popular African holidays, often combining wildlife viewing in the Masai Mara National Park with a beach stay. Till today Kenya is still an excellent choice for a safari holiday attracting many tourists.
Safaris in Kenya are not all about mass market package holidays, and even the beach holiday options are far better than they were, with a selection of small boutique hotels and guest houses dotted along the coasts and islands. It is becoming a very good ecotourism and fair trade destination with many successful conservation projects also in action.  Many safari camps today have no permanent footprint on the land and are owned by local communities who benefit directly from tourism in Kenya.

About kenya

Kenya is a sovereign state with its capital and largest city being Nairobi. The country is named after Mount Kenya, the 2nd highest mountain in Africa. It is a nation abundant with wild animals, culture, history, beauty and friendly, welcoming people. Kenya is geographically diverse, from snow-capped mountain peaks to extensive forests to wide-open plains.
Kenya is famous for its safaris and diverse wildlife reserves and national parks such as the Masai Mara Game Reserve. There are several world heritage attractions such as Lamu, and Safari beaches where one can relax and unwind.

  • Kenya Safari Travel Tips
  • Quick facts about Kenya
  • Kenya Flights
  • Masai Mara Game Reserve
  • Discover Kenya’s Four Highest Points
  • Kenya’s Heritage City
  • Kenya Wildlife National Park Rules

Why Go on Safari in Kenya?

There are a million different reasons to come here, and picking just one is nigh on impossible. The classic image of a safari savanna is perhaps the single key selling point for Kenya’s tourist industry, and, with all the famous fauna, no keen animal-spotter should go home disappointed. From trekking the glacial ridges of Mt. Kenya to Kite surfing off the white sands of the Indian Ocean Coast, and much more besides, clued-up visitors face an infinite choice of alternative settings and activities. It boosts the best places to go for safaris in Africa.

It’s said that the concept of a holiday safaris began in Kenya. Kenya offers incredible experience to the visiting guests due to its awesome scenery characterized by rolling Savannah grasslands, pristine beaches, tropical rain-forest, golden deserts in Northern Kenya, snow capped peaks of Mt Kenya, abundant wildlife, dhow sailors, a deep rich culture, especially the one for the Masai People and a fine weather all year round that you can be in holiday throughout.

Kenya has a tenth of it’s land cover gazetted as national parks and national reserves. It’s home to the most famous national parks in the world which include Amboseli, Tsavo, Samburu, Masai Mara and the Kenyan coastline.

In addition the Kenyan Lakes System in the Rift Valley comprise a string of picturesque alkaline and fresh water bodies and has a breath taking scenery, teeming with an incredible diversity of birds (avifuana) and huge concentration of animals especially near the famous Lake Nakuru – where you can view both walls of this astonishing fissure, Lake Niavasha, Lake Elementeita and Lake Baringo.

As a case in point the Rift Valley region entices guest since the wildlife in the region is unique, varied and endangered such the Colobus Monkey, Black Rhinos, Grevy’s Zebras, Reticulated Giraffe, Zebra Mouse, Lesser Kudu Antelopes Leopards.

Where to Go

Kenya’s most famous wildlife highlight is the Masai Mara Game Reserve, best known for the wildebeest migration and big cats.  Kenya safari holidays here will definitely bring you close to some fantastic wildlife and we can find camps away from the crowded areas. However there is more the Kenya than just the Mara.  There are the Rift Valley lakes (freshwater lakes – Naivasha, Turkana and Baringo, and soda lakes – Nakuru, Elementaita, Bogoria and Natron) and the huge Lake Victoria, plus many hilly areas such as Mount Kenya, Mount Elgon, the Mathews Ranges and the Aberdares. South of Nairobi is Amboseli National Park famous for spectacular views of Kilimanjaro and huge herds of elephants.  In the surrounding highlands are excellent horse and foot safaris. For a high quality safari away from the crowds and spectacular scenery what about the incredible Laikipia Plateau region?  A conservation success story, this region has a handful of rustic luxury lodges and overnight camel led fly camping treks, interesting village projects and miles and miles of wild, beautiful bushlands. North of Laikipia is the Samburu region, stretching to the arid lands of the Northern Frontier towards Ethiopia.

And of course there is Kenya’s 480km coastline which is the classic image of a tropical paradise; sweeping, white beaches bordering turquoise water teeming with colourful marine life and dotted with idyllic islands.  All backed by the outstanding wildlife of the Kenyan wilderness and the fascinating culture of the towns and villages. Lamu islands are popular with Tribes clients, being a quieter option than the mainland coast and a fascinating Swahili history.

Places to visit in Kenya

Maasai Mara Game Reserve
The Maasai Mara Game Reserve, spread over 200 sq miles of open plains, woodlands and forest is generally considered to be Africa’s greatest wildlife reserve. The gigantic grassland plains are dotted with herds of Gazelle, Giraffe, Zebra, and Topi. The Acacia forests contain plentiful of bird life and monkeys, while buffaloes and elephants lurch in the wide Musiara Swamp. The Mara and Talek rivers overflow with crocodiles and hippos. From July to October, the world’s largest migration of animals is witnessed in Mara. The promising rains in the North with the resultant fresh life giving grass prompts more than 1.3 million wild beasts together into a single colossal herd. The Mara is known as the Kingdom of Lions and these majestic and potent hunters dominate these grasslands. Cheetahs are also widespread in the Mara, as are hyena and smaller predators like jackals.

The Mara is possibly the best serviced of all Kenyan parks and reserves with wide ranging accommodation to suit any budget. Most lodges and camps recommend walks and balloon safaris.

Amboseli National Park
Spread over more than 400 sq kms, the park goes to meet Tanzania on its southern border.  It is renowned for its large herds of elephants. Known as the land of freely roaming giants, it also houses herds of other wild beasts like zebras and impalas grazing on its open plains.

But the most imposing giant is Mt Kilimanjaro, Africa’s largest mountain, just across the border in Tanzania, but the most impressive sight of its snow-capped peak can be viewed from Amboseli. The spectacle of Kilimanjaro far above the herds of elephant crossing the plains of Amboseli is an everlasting African image.

Tsavo National Park
The twin National Parks of Tsavo East and West together form one of Africa’s largest wilderness reserves, consisting of 10 million acres, the park is larger than the island of Jamaica. On safari here, you are sure to see large herds of Elephant, their hides often a luminous red with dust, as well as Lion, Buffalo, Eland, Giraffe Impala, Kudu and possibly Rhinoceros.

Things to Do in Kenya

Celebrate Kenya’s infinite opportunities for a dream destination discover ,explorer, experience, invite, share and remember.

There is so much to do and see in Kenya, offering endless prospects for discovering, adventure and relaxation. Come to explore its great wilderness, beautiful coastal areas, highlands and mountains, huge lakes, modern cities or forests and desert.

Highlights of a Kenya Safari

  • Exciting wildlife watching in the Masai Mara, Amboseli, Tsavo and other reserves.
  • White sand beaches of the mainland coast, and islands of Lamu.
  • The Rift Valley lakes.
  • Rich traditional cultures of the Maasai, Samburu and other tribes.
  • Gorgeous accommodation from safari lodges and camps to colonial homes and ‘barefoot’ beach huts.
  • Excellent hiking, fishing, and horse riding.

For many people, Kenya is simply Africa! Kenya, lying astride the equator on the Eastern edge of Africa is a favorite holiday destination preferred for excellent safaris and holidays. The East Africa’s premier tourist destination really seem to have it all: wildlife and nightlife, cities and beaches, mountains and deserts, traditional cultures and modern arts, all couched in a range of landscapes as staggering in their diversity as they are stunning in their appearance.

Kenya is one of the best spots to visit in the African continent, with an enormous number of natural parks and reserves that we can include within our safari itinerary. We can observe animals in their natural habitat and catch them in our photograph to have a forever lasting memory of this trip. For the next year,  2012, we can choose among diverse possibilities in this beautiful country, being as usual a good idea to book in advance and tailor made our safari the way we want.

In Kenya you can spend 3 fabulous days with the Masaai Mara tribe, one of the most well known in Africa. With them we will learn what the life in the savannah is like and their guides will show us the way to observe the animals from close. There are lots of places where to stay inside the Masaai Mara Reserve. Choose between tented lodges or camping tents. From here you will go out in diverse excursions to observe the game.

Most adventures start in Nairobi City. From here you can visit the Rift Valley by car during the morning and from there we go to the Maasai Mara Reserve, arriving for lunch time. During the afternoon you can observe the animals inside the reserve and later we will pass the night at Mara Sopa Lodge or in Sarova Mara Tented Camp, depending on our choice for the accommodation.

Explore the Masaai Reserve, one of the most evocative and unique in the African continent, in all senses this is a unique spot to visit. Here visitors have got a great chance of observing the Big Five mammals from close, namely the lion, the leopard, the buffalo, the rhino and the elephant. You can choose between eating in a picnic or spending all day doing observations inside the park during the schedule available for these purposes, in the morning and the afternoon. Another possibility is visiting the Masaai village which is quite close from our lodgement.

Observing the wildlife within the reserve, – see how animals start their daily routine. This is a different way to see the African savannah, preparing itself for a new day.

Kiswahili and English are the official languages.

Visas are required for European passport holders.

Malaria is present in most of the country. No vaccinations are compulsory, except yellow fever if coming from an infected area.

Best times to go
The dry season is from about June to September, and December to March. The short rains are around October and November. The long rains are from roughly late March to the end of May.

Getting there
Flights from Europe to Nairobi take about 9 hours direct.