Home Safari Planning

Safari Planning

Once you’ve made your arrangements, it’s time to start your preparations. What do you pack, what do you wear, and what can you expect out there in the wild?

Important Safari Tips to Know

Before you fly off to Africa, you need to do a bit of planning and research. For those coming from countries with colder or temperate climates, you might find the African sun a little unforgiving; as such, you may want to take some precautions and allot some time for acclimatization. You would also need to prepare sun protection equipment like hats, dry-fit shirts, and sunblock. As you are going to see wildlife in nature, it’s best to dress simply and comfortably.

Check with your doctor for medical and dietary concerns too, and relay them to your tour operator. You can also check out the accommodations you’d want for your trip. It’s highly recommended to mix in luxury accommodations with natural camping styles for a truly authentic experience.

Don’t forget your camera!

It’s best to have zoom lenses so you can get close up shots of the animals while in the safety of your 4×4 vehicle. Tourists’ safety is a primary concern, so listen to your tour guides and respect the natural space of the animals. Remember that you are in their natural habitat, and you are a lucky witness to the spectacle before you.

If you’re up for more adventure, you can choose to have walking safari tours, balloon and flying safaris, or visits to local villages to learn more about their way of life. Africa is not just about natural beauty and wildlife viewing; it also boasts a rich history and culture that has become renowned all over the world. Visit local tribes, natural parks and museums, or check out the night life.

In some parts of Africa, the days tend to be warm and sunny, so it would be wise to bring sunscreen or a hat along with you. Throw in some insect repellant, lip balm, wet towels, and a first-aid kit containing all your essential medicine along with you. Don’t forget water as well. Always bring your travel documents with you too, but keep extra copies in your bag at your lodging.

What to wear?

Avoid bright clothing and colors like black, blue and white. When in the wild, do like the ‘locals’ do and dress in safari-friendly khaki and green. Protect yourself from insect bites with lightweight, cotton long sleeve clothes. Wear good quality walking boots on your trip too.

To get the most out of your African safari experience, bring along a pair of binoculars so you can see the animals more clearly. If you’re a photographer, invest in a good-quality camera with zoom lenses and a tripod for those perfect wildlife shots.

Do remember that you’re in the animal kingdom’s natural habitat, so respect their space and do not make alarming sounds or noises. Let loose your inner explorer and be mindful of respecting the animals: keep quiet, be alert, and look around for clues on where the animals could be. Since they are free to roam around, they could be anywhere — maybe not even in a distance you’d consider safe. But keep calm and listen to the advice of your guides for the best safari experience you’ll ever have.

So how do you get the best African safari trip? Take the services of a trusted tour operator, follow safety and medical advice, respect the locals and the animals, and just enjoy the ride. Safari tours are generally safe for many tourists, as long as you observe the proper protocols to keep the entire trip safe and enjoyable. Just relax, soak in the new environments and feel the rush of being among the greats of the African world.