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Africa’s Big Five and their Exceptional Features


Africa’s Big Five and their Exceptional Features
When one starts of thinking or researching on an African safari, the “Big Five” often crops up. The “Big 5” refers to the African: Lion, Leopard, Rhino, elephant and Buffalo. A Safari to most countries will give you a chance to see all these animals plus other abundant animals not highlighted, we will look at a case of a Safari to Kenya
It’s the biggest of big five in Africa. A single glance of an adult elephant leaves a very spectacular memory that is unforgettable. The most interesting part of its body structure is the ears, they can weigh up to 110 pounds. Due to their weak eye sight, the ears are used as recognize substances around them. Elephant walk using their toes. One might ask how the toes support weight of upto 8 tones. Well, it’s simple the toes are cushioned with a layer of cartilage. This cartilage reduces pressure on the bones and makes its walk to be silent regardless of its size.
Socially, it’s noteworthy how the elephants portray to be social mammals. In one of Kenya’s oldest and most gorgeous national park, certain female elephant illustrated great intelligence and integrity by guiding her family for over 30 years. As the leader she is expected to make major decision on matter such as where to graze, when to migrate during drought and even protect the young calves from attack. Unfortunately the courageous “Malaika-Angel” died in 2009 and the rest of herd truly mourned her departure. It’s believed that the oldest female in the herd replaces departed one.
Elephants have a life expectancy of 70-80 years. Per day an elephant can consume between 150-170kgs of vegetation. Averagely its water consumption is between 14-26 gallons. Their trunk is very vital during feeding. Water is filled in their trunk first, then transferred o the mouth.
Like most events, firsthand experience always leaves a mark. A visit to Kenya will definitely literally bring you to interact with these animals.
Although black listed among the most endangered species in Africa, Scientist believe the rhino history can be dated 5million ago. The very huge animal has been like a gold mine to many poachers in Africa. The major market is china where they believe its horn has medicinal value. Currently it’s estimated that only 4200 black rhino are alive.
The black and white rhino are very interesting species. Contrary to what their name indicates, their difference isn’t based on their colour.
The white rhinos have wide mouth and are found in grassland and savannah. This makes them to be a pure grazer. Black rhino’s colour ranges from brown to grey. They have narrow pointed mouth and are both gazers and browsers. This is enabled by their pointed lip.
Africa tales refer the animal as the “crying animal” or “the black death”. Some Africans believe that the animal literally sheds tears when it sees human being. Averagely the black beast kills upto 200 people per year.
Savannah-type buffaloes weigh 500 to 900 kg with males normally larger than females, reaching the upper weight range. Its head is carried low backline. The front part of the body is heavier and more powerful than the back. Therefore front hooves of the buffalo are wider than the rear.
They live in swampy areas and grasslands. The strongest male in the herd is the one that mates, this bull must fight and scare off other bulls .In the dry season, males will depart from the herd and form bachelor groups. Two types of bachelor herds occur: ones made of males aged 4 to 7 years and those of males 12 years or older. During the wet season, the younger bulls rejoin a herd to mate with the females. They stay with them throughout the season to protect the calves.
The Father of lions, George Adamson had great experience with Africa lions. He took care of orphaned lions hoping this would lead to generation of lions. Unfortunately the same animals that he took care of have drastically reduced from 420,000 to around 21,500.
Lions are the fiercest animal in the jungle.10–14 is the number of years they can live in wild, while in confinement they can live longer than 20 years. In the wild, they live for fewer years due to injuries sustained from repeated fighting with rival males
Compared to other cats, lions are oddly social. A pride of lions consists of related females and offspring and a small number of adult males. Female lions typically hunt together, however males have a tendency to take over the kill once the lionesses have succeeded. Male cubs are excluded from their maternal pride when they reach maturity.
The male lion is unique, it’s easily recognized by its tresses, and its face is one of the most widely recognized animal symbols in human culture.
Although lions don’t hunt human beings, in1898 in Kenya’s Tsavo national park reported cases were published on how man-eating lions killed railway workers. 28 officially recorded railway workers building the Kenya-Uganda Railway were taken by lions over nine months during the construction of a bridge over the Tsavo river in Kenya
Many people are unable to differentiate between the cheetah and leopard. The cheetah has a narrow waist, run faster, rarely climbs the trees and does not eat carcasses. However, Leopards commonly rest on trees branches; they can carry a dead animal up to 50kgs on a tree and can feed on the carcasses for four days. In addition Leopards are distinguished by their large heads, long body and short legs
Due to their shyness it is extremely difficult to spot them in the jungles of Africa
Each spot on a leopard is unique—similar to the fingerprints of humans. These spots are circular in leopards found in Eastern Africa. Leopards are very cautious and like to follow close and run a relatively short distance after their prey. They kill through suffocation by grabbing their prey by the throat and biting down with their powerful jaws. They rarely fight other predators for their food. Male leopards are larger, averaging 60 kg – 91 kg and females weigh about 35 to 40 kg.
not eat carcasses. However, Leopards commonly rest on trees branches; they can carry a dead animal up to 50kgs on a tree and can feed on the carcasses for four days. In addition Leopards are distinguished by their large heads, long body and short legs
Due to their shyness it is extremely difficult to spot them in the jungles of Africa
Each spot on a leopard is unique—similar to the fingerprints of humans. These spots are circular in leopards found in Eastern Africa. Leopards are very cautious and like to follow close and run a relatively short distance after their prey. They kill through suffocation by grabbing their prey by the throat and biting down with their powerful jaws. They rarely fight other predators for their food. Male leopards are larger, averaging 60 kg – 91 kg and females weigh about 35 to 40 kg.
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