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Africa and Its Most Outstanding Tourist Attractions


Africa and Its Most Outstanding Tourist Attractions

The Egypt Pyramids

Egypt Pyramid
Egypt Pyramid
Egypt is a land of many secrets and hidden treasures. This country holds 80 most recognizable pyramids that have been in existence for the last 5000 years. These amazing buildings have been among the ancient seven wonder of the world. They were basically built to hold the remains of Kings or Queens. A visit to this exotic place will reveal the beauty of the three and a half mile tall pyramids. The many tunnels inside the Pyramids’ will surely require that the visiting tourist be guided by a well informed tour guide.
The Victoria Falls
Victoria Falls
On the boarder of Zambia and Zimbabwe lies the amazing Victoria Falls. The Zambezi river forms one the largest falls in the world. The falls are within many gorges, with an attractive bridge joining the Second Gorge and Third Gorge. The naturally formed “Devil’s Pool”, is a pool of still water on the edge fall. Although a very dangerous place, some tourists swim despite the risk of plunging over the edge.
The Sossusvlei in Namibia
The Sossusvlei in Namibia
There are some places in Africa where many people doubt whether they existence Sossusvlei is possibly one of this place. It’s the foremost attraction of Namibia because the desert has astounding landscape characterized by high sand dunes of vivid pink-to-orange color, a consequence of a high percentage of iron. The amazing thing about the sand dunes is that they constantly change their shape due to the strong winds. Hiking and climbing is a very enjoyable activity
The Masai Mara In Kenya
Masai Mara is park that is inhabited by nearly all the wildlife that is found in sub-Saharan region. From the big 5 to buffalos, hyenas, giraffe and the numerous wildebeest that migrate yearly form July to October. This park is also a second home to BBC documentary on the Big cat diary.
Zanzibar Coastline
Zanzibar CoastlineThe beauty and serenity of Zanzibar beaches is yet to be competitively compared to any other coastline in Africa. The beaches are totally unpolluted and the Ocean around has hundred of sea animals. The attractively built hotels are uniquely designed in Swahili and Zanzibar architecture providing modern comforts with unspoilt natural beauty.
The Virunga Mountains
Virunga mountain gorillas
Virunga mountain gorillas

The Virunga Mountains are a chain of in East Africa, along the northern border of Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Uganda. The mountains are the home of to over 880 mountain gorillas. No words can describe the first hand experience of seeing these gorillas.

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